Friday, March 14, 2014

Dear Annie,

     How have you been? How's life back in Maryland? I'm loving life here in Foraoise Draoichta. It's calm, relaxing, and we can do what we want. Everyone is really kind and welcoming. We spend our days in the forests, meadows, and waterfalls. They are the prettiest I have ever seen!

     I think you should seriously consider moving out here to Foraoise. Not only is the environment beautiful, but it's perfect for you and your children! In this society, everybody works and everybody reaps the benefits. The people here work together as one to create the best utopic society possible. It really is a beautiful thing to see.

    I just bought a puffle yesterday, and it is so darned cute! It is nothing like the pets of your society. Puffles are loving, caring, and very obedient. We have the best pets here in Foraoise.

   Well I have to go tend to the volcano, Annie. I hope you're doing good back at home. I miss you and I hope you might move out with me to this perfect place someday.


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